
近年来,我们的第九条计划接受了三个外部实体的审查 U.S. Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division (“Department” or “DOJ”), 欺骗 O’Connor’s Institutional Response Group (“欺骗”),以及 California State Auditor (CSA). 我们重视每一个机会来评估我们的 防止和应对基于性别的歧视的第九条计划和协议, and to foster gender equity. Each of these three reviews are summarized below. 为 ease of reference, 这是司法部调查、欺骗评估和CSA的年表 审计(pdf) 是可用的; alternate text of the chronology is also available [pdf].

The Department of Justice

2020年6月,美国司法部开始调查菠菜网lol正规平台的回应是否充分 到之前的性骚扰和性侵犯报告涉及其前主任 Sports Medicine Scott Shaw. The investigation was completed in the fall of 2021, and the results were disheartening.

In September 2021, 菠菜网lol正规平台 entered into a Resolution Agreement [pdf] with the Department. As part of the Resolution Agreement, the university committed 1)建立一个可接近并能满足需求的第九条计划 of its campus community; 2) providing remedies to the student-athletes harmed by the former Director of Sports Medicine; and 3) better ensuring the safe provision of sports medicine treatments to its student-athletes. To promote accountability, 菠菜网lol正规平台 agreed 改为四年监测期,使lol菠菜网正规平台部能够积极地 monitor the university’s 第九条 program through AY 2024-25.

2023年8月15日,斯科特·肖在刑事法庭上认罪,罪名是非法猥亵 female student-athletes under the guise of providing medical treatment. The Department’s public announcement on the outcome of the court proceedings is available on their website.

自2021年9月以来,学校投入了大量的思想和资源 into its 第九条 program. 为 instance, in July 2022, the university engaged a national 主题专家担任临时第九章和性别平等官员. 此外,该大学还增加了Title ix员工(9月份只有1名员工) 2021 to 6 employees in January 2024); relocated its 第九条 办公室 to a new and improved location; improved the timeliness and quality of its investigations; created a more compassionate, holistic, and timely response to new reports; substantially increased the number of 第九条 trainings delivered to campus; and launched a new campus marketing campaign to raise awareness of these efforts. We continue to strive to offer a welcoming 环境,热情的氛围支持,与大家清晰的沟通 who interacts with our office.

第九条和平等机会办公室对这些努力给予了特别关注 to protect the university’s student athletes from potential future harm. All student-athletes, 体育工作人员,以及经常与学生运动员一起工作的外部专业人士 每年都要接受根据他们的经验量身定制的第九条保护培训 as training on their rights under the Wellbeing Attendant 政策. Wellbeing Attendants, 或“监护人”,可以提供给任何运动医学会议的所有参与者, and required for most treatments involving Sensitive Areas.

欺骗 O’Connor and the CSA

此外,在2023-24学年,菠菜网lol正规平台的第九条计划由另外两位评估 external entities: 欺骗 and the CSA. 以下是 interim 第九条 and Gender Equity 办公室r’s responses to questions about last summer’s CSA audit results and 欺骗 assessment.

这些外部审查的范围和目的在某些方面是相似的 different in other respects, as described below. 


Both the CSA and 欺骗 reviewed San José State’s 第九条 program. 此外,他们 他们都向科罗拉多州立大学的全系统第九章合规办公室提出了建议. 在他们的报告中,CSA和欺骗都建议CSU的中心头衔 九、合规办公室对各校区提供更多的监督,以确保一致性 implementation of best practices at the campus level.


为 background, the CSA的审计 是由加州政府授权的,并且在很大程度上是出于消极的动机 publicity at 菠菜网lol正规平台, Fresno State, and Sonoma State. The media attention highlighted 这三个校区如何更好地处理报告和投诉 of sexual harassment made against high-level employees.

2022年夏天,加州联合立法审计委员会批准了一项法案 对CSU对性骚扰报告和投诉的回应的审计暗示 员工. The audit was conducted by CSA during AY 2022-23, and focused on the 校长办公室和三个CSU校区:菠菜网lol正规平台, Fresno State和Sonoma State. 审计结果在2023年7月18日发布的一份公开报告中公布.


欺骗 was was voluntarily engaged by the CSU. The CSU asked 欺骗 to conduct a systemwide 对《菠菜网lol正规平台》和《lol菠菜网正规平台》(DHR)项目的评估. 参与的原因是想办法加强基社盟的系统 care and compliance. The assessment concluded in July 2023, and resulted in a public report for the system, as well as separate reports for each campus. The reports identify 对系统和大学改进的核心观察和建议 水平. 菠菜网lol正规平台's specific campus report is available on the Calstate网站.

Scope of the Audits:

The CSA的审计 was more narrow in scope. As stated above, the CSA focused its review 在三个校区——上海州立大学、弗雷斯诺州立大学和索诺玛州立大学——只审查了每个校区的情况 在这些校园中,处理了涉及员工的性骚扰报告.

欺骗’s assessment was more expansive; it extended to all 23 CSU campuses and the 校长办公室的报告,包括对每个校园如何回应涉及的报告的审查 包括学生和员工,并评估了每个校园的第九条和歧视, Harassment, and Retaliation (DHR) programs.

此外,CSA评估的是具体案例,而欺骗的研究范围更广 并没有评估该大学对具体案例的回应.

Results of the Audits:

The CSA made recommendations, but not directed to 菠菜网lol正规平台; they were for the Chancellor’s 办公室. 

欺骗 made system-wide and campus-specific recommendations. 欺骗’s primary recommendation 对于菠菜网lol正规平台来说就是将第九条和DHR办公室合并成一个实体. At that time, the 第九条 and DHR offices were separate. This recommendation, combined 在我们校园的投入下,促成了第九条和平等办公室的成立 机会. 我们有信心处理所有关于歧视、骚扰、 报复和性行为不端在一个办公室将提供更好的途径 care, prevention, and resolution options for our community.

Adoption of the 欺骗 Recommendations:

为了实施欺骗的所有建议(4),该大学聘请了一位 校园实施团队,包括不同的校园成员.

The members of the CIT are as follows:

Peter Lim, Chair, Interim AVP for 第九条 and Equal 机会;
Karthika Sasikumar, Chair, Academic Senate and Professor of Political 科学;
Angee奥尔特加, Associate Resource Analyst, Lucas College & Graduate School of 业务;
多米尼克Treseler, Class of 2024, President, CSU Student Association;
萨拉Multani, Class of 2025, President & CEO at Associated Students, 菠菜网lol正规平台;
肖恩·惠伦, Chief of 工作人员 and Senior AVP; and
玛丽基廷, Civil Rights Investigator.

两名学生代表(Dominic和Sarab)将由新生代替 officers at the start of the 2024-2025 academic year.