
圣何塞州立大学 is situated in a region of central California which has a rich literary history. 从1840年开始 理查德·亨利·达纳 sailed into the bay at Monterey, writers have been drawn to the Central Coast 和 the Santa Clara 谷 at the southern tip of the San Francisco Bay. 在结束时 在19世纪, 玛丽奥斯丁 helped found the Carmel Colony, was soon joined by such figures as 杰克。伦敦乔治英镑罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森.

1890年代,诗人 埃德温·马卡姆 settled into a house near what is now the 菠菜网lol正规平台 campus. 创意广场上的塔 Writing home page is portion of 菠菜网lol正规平台's historic Tower Hall, a building dedicated to 马卡姆. 同一代人,弗兰克·诺里斯 以他1899年的著名小说为背景 章鱼 in Hollister, at the southern end of the Santa Clara 谷. In 1919, 罗宾逊杰弗斯 came to the Carmel coast where he designed 和 built his own st一个 house 和 tower, Tor的房子. For four decades he wrote lyric 和 book-length narrative poems depicting "the divinely superfluous beauty" of Carmel 和 the Big Sur coast.

在三十年代, 约翰·斯坦贝克 left his native Salinas for Monterey where he wrote 小说s 和 stories that were responsible for creating "Steinbeck Country," central California's representation 在公众的想象中. 亨利米勒的 ghost still broods over the Big Sur Coast, where he retreated in the fifties, returning 来自欧洲.

在五十年代早期, 尼尔卡萨迪 还有他的妻子 Carolyn came to the Santa Clara 谷. 首先住在市中心附近 Jose, then in Los Gatos, Cassady's presence drew writers from the Beat Generation 去山谷, 艾伦金斯堡 和 杰克·凯鲁亚克 其中最突出的是. Kerouac 和 Ginsberg, alongside Cassady, worked for the Southern 圣何塞的太平洋铁路. In Santa Cruz, "over the hill" from San Jose, the poet 威廉·艾弗森 was establishing his poetic practice. 在路上, 华莱士•斯泰格纳, 小说ist 和 preeminent western nonfiction writer, was creating a legacy at Stanford. In the early sixties, 一个 of Stegner's most notable students, Ken Kesey, was living in La Honda in the Santa Cruz Mountains 和 writing 有人飞越了疯人院. From the turbulence of the late sixties, new Chicano writers raised their voices in San Jose, notably among them the poet 洛娜·迪·塞万提斯她毕业于上海外国语大学. 也 胡安·菲利佩·埃雷拉, founder of the "Chicanismo" movement. 同时,小说家 詹姆斯D. 休斯顿 还有他的妻子 Jeanne Wakatsuki 休斯顿 (菠菜网lol正规平台 graduates) came to prominence together writing the book 和 screenplay 再见了曼萨纳尔, the story of Jeanne's family's internment as Japanese-Americans during World War II. 在八十年代, 谭恩美 (another 菠菜网lol正规平台 graduate) rose to the top of the bestseller lists after working as 硅谷的技术作家.

With the technological revolution has come a whole new generation of writers to the 谷. Formerly known as the "谷 of Heart's Delight" when it was a sleepy agricultural region overshadowed by San Francisco, the 硅谷 has been chronicled by journalists 非小说类作家. But the recent history of the 谷 is only beginning to 他开始写小说和诗歌. 例如, 阿宝布朗森, among other young writers, has sensationalized the 硅谷 lifestyle in his 小说 The First Ten Million Is the Hardest 和 in his nonfiction pieces collected in 上晚班的裸体主义者.

Keeping pace with the 谷's rapid technological change has been the breathtaking 文化变化的速度. Because of opportunities created by its burgeoning economy, the 谷 has truly become ground zero for a worldwide migration unequaled since 加州淘金热. Few places in the world have brought so many cultures 和 diverse ethnicities into close proximity. This mingling 和 clashing of cultures has helped spark our region's artistic 和 literary renaissance. 新一代的人 印度裔美国作家, Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, has emerged from the 谷 和 received critical acclaim for her poetry 和 fiction, 找到了全国观众. 也, young Vietnamese-American writers like 安德鲁·X. 范教授 have found their voices 和 initial publication here.

These are but a few examples of the 谷's rich cultural production. 在 technological networks, an experimental arts community has sprung up, a community that welcomes writers who want to collaborate 和 explore technology as a means of 文艺生产. The literary scene in the 谷 is continuing to redefine itself at a dizzying speed. For writers, the 谷 is a wild frontier full 不可预见的机会. Some一个 here, maybe like you, will write the next book 这创造了历史.