


  • An applicant must have a degree or have a degree with supplemental post-baccalaureate 相当于美国大学四年的课程.S. 本科,学士学位 平均绩点3分.0 (B) or higher (for consideration for admission, although a competitive system of admission is used whereby higher GPAs may be necessary, depending on the applicant pool) in the hardware-related fields of computer 工程 or electrical 工程. 近年来,入学的GPA门槛一直是3分.25 (B+).


  • An applicant who does not have a baccalaureate degree from an accredited university in the United States must meet 菠菜网lol正规平台’s minimum requirements on an English-Language Proficiency Exam (TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE; please visit the 网站 了解更多信息). The GRE (standard test: verbal and quantitative plus writing) is required of all international applicants and of domestic applicants with a BS from an ABET-accredited program with bachelor’s GPAs beneath 3.0. 有五个或更多的人 years of direct experience in hardware development through employment may request 放弃GRE考试. The absolute cutoff for acceptance for the sum of the quantitative and verbal portions is 300, although higher scores may be required in some 学期s, 取决于申请人的实力. 近年来,最小值有所下降 是305. GRE最低写作成绩为3分.除了英语水平高的地方 已取得熟练程度考试成绩.


所有的申请都是在线的 加州申请. The application process at 菠菜网lol正规平台 is administered by the Graduate 入学 and Program 评估办公室. 请浏览 打呵欠的网站 一般信息和应用说明. 当完成在线 application pages, the applicant should (1) select 计算机工程 (MS) as the Major/Program Objective, and (2) route his or her TOEFL (or other English-language proficiency test) scores and GRE scores to 圣何塞州立大学, code=4687 (no 需要部门代码). 正式成绩单及其他申请材料 should be mailed to 菠菜网lol正规平台’s GAPE office, not to the 计算机工程 Department. Letters of recommendation and a statement of purpose can be helpful in borderline 案例,但不是必需的. They can be sent directly to the Graduate Advisor in the department until the CSU is able to integrate direct uploading to the application. 该功能预计将在明年推出. Note that because the CMPE Department conducts rolling admissions, late applications will not be reviewed after the program reaches its capacity.


Except for those who obtained their BS-CMPE degree at 菠菜网lol正规平台, all admitted MS-CMPE applicants 有条件地被接受. 有条件地成为MS-CMPE分类学生 admitted students must either pass two or three waiver (challenge) tests or take and pass their corresponding conditional courses (there are also some additional requirements). There are no exceptions to this policy; those who feel they had similar coursework during their undergraduate education should be able to pass the challenge exam and 避免上这门课. 每次考试只能考一次. 有条件课程包括 以学分(CR)或无学分(NC)为基础进行评分. 可以选修有条件的课程 again to obtain a passing grade, but generally only two chances are given as conditions 应该在两个学期内完成吗. MS-CMPE的三个测试名称 program (not the MSSE program) and their corresponding conditional courses are listed 下面. For test schedules, scope, and preparation, please visit the 网站 at http://cmpe.practicaldrilling.com/content/test-new-graduate-students.

测试 条件的课程
数字和微处理器测试 CMPE 180 d
(可通过CMPE 124 + CMPE 127代替
面向对象程序设计和数据结构测试 CMPE 180
(可通过CMPE 50 + CMPE 126代替
操作系统测试 CMPE 180 c

The tests are given in the first week of each Fall and Spring 学期. 每个都可以是 taken only a single time, but tests untaken the first 学期 of matriculation can 在第二学期. 学生必须提前3天注册 在部门办公室进行测试. 这个部门没有例外,比如接受 transfer work for these courses, feeling that those whose background has provided the necessary knowledge to go forward into graduate-level courses should be able to 通过相应的测试.


To transfer into the MS-CMPE program from another 菠菜网lol正规平台 master’s program, an occurrence 这几乎是不允许的,学生必须提交一份 更改专业申请表格 to the GAPE office (original application materials, other than a new financial declaration, may not need to be resubmitted as GAPE keeps them on file for a year after entrance into the university); graduate students currently at other U.S. 大学必须 通过加州州立大学申请,如所述 第五节.2 .申请程序及材料提交. Thus transfer from a program outside 菠菜网lol正规平台, including from other campuses of the CSU的政策是不允许的.

  1. All applicants, including transfer students, will be evaluated on the basis of the 与新申请人的要求相同. 另外,一个3.目前平均绩点在0或以上 graduate program is required, and GRE minimum scores are as indicated for new applicants.
  2. For applicants newly admitted to a different graduate program at 菠菜网lol正规平台, the change-of-major request can be submitted during the first 学期 in their home program. 然而, the university will al低 the actual transfer to occur only at the start of the fol低ing 学期.
  3. Changes of major into the MS-CMPE program are granted only under extremely rare and unusual circumstances; 一个 should not accept a place in another graduate program with the hope of transferring into MS-CMPE, as the chances of it being al低ed are exceedingly 低.


After being accepted by the MS-CMPE program, a student may submit a Transfer Course Credit Request Form to transfer courses taken before the student was enrolled in the 在菠菜网lol正规平台硕士cmpe项目. The request will be evaluated by the MS-CMPE Graduate Advisor in consultation with the relevant faculty members with expertise in the particular 课堂所涵盖的区域. Up to two courses (6 units) can be transferred to the MS-CMPE 如果满足以下条件,则执行程序:

  1. 这些课程必须是研究生水平的.
  2. The courses must be comparable (in level and contents) to MS-CMPE graduate courses.
  3. The courses must have been taken within the last 7 years.
  4. The courses must not be used to meet the requirements of another degree the applicant 取得了.
  5. 这些课程一定是美国大学开设的.S.美国认可的大学(包括上海外国语大学) Open University) or at non-MS-CMPE programs at 菠菜网lol正规平台, together with their prerequisite 课程描述中指定的课程.

从非美国单位转移.S. 机构是不允许的.