
The 土木与环境工程 Department is now offering both Curricular 实际培训 (CPT) and Optional 实际培训 (OPT) for all BS Civil Engineering (BSCE) and MS Civil Engineering (MSCE) international students effective Spring 2021.

Civil Engineering students who are interested in these courses should consult with International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) to determine eligibility. Students 能在上面找到信息吗 社联就业网站(失效链接).

Students are responsible for finding appropriate work experiences to satisfy CPT and/or OPT requirements, as well as completing all necessary paperwork required by ISSS and 在适当的期限内提交行政长官署.

土木与环境工程 Pre- and Post-Optional 实际培训 (OPT)

BSCE and MSCE students have the option to complete a period of work in conjunction 他们的教育. Pre-OPT is a work experience completed prior to the completion 学位课程的一部分 and Post-OPT is a work experience completed after the completion 学位课程的一部分.

Students who are interested in Pre- and Post-OPT experiences should work with ISSS 完成必要的文书工作. 任何必须由部门填写的文件 应该直接找系主任吗 civil-engineering@practicaldrilling.com.

土木与环境工程 Curricular 实际培训 (CPT) Courses

土木与环境工程 is now offering two CPT courses, CE 185 and CE 285, 2021年春季生效.

In order to register for these courses, 学生必须 satisfy all requirements established 由联邦法律,菠菜网lol正规平台 ISSS和CE部门. CE 185和CE 285将被分级 学分/无学分(CR/NC). 为了获得课程学分,学生必须 complete the minimum work hours in an appropriate Civil Engineering work experience 满足课程的学术内容.

Students must register for the course that correlates to their degree program. BSCE students may only enroll in CE 185 and MSCE students may only enroll in CE 285. Each 1-unit course may be repeated a total of two times during a student’s matriculation. Courses will be scheduled each term as “Department Consent,” so 学生必须 receive 报名参加课程的许可号码. 不会提供许可号码 没有书面的工作邀请信.

要注册CE 185/285, 学生必须:

  • 他参加了土木工程学位课程.e. 一个完全被录取的学生, 无论是学士还是硕士.
  • 在项目和学校中保持良好的信誉.


CE 185:工作经历

要注册ce185 -工作经验I, 学生必须满足以下条件:

  • 学生必须参加BSCE课程.
  • Students may not have taken CE 185 more than twice previously.
  • Students must satisfy all requirements established by federal law and ISSS. See the 社联就业网站(失效链接) 了解更多信息.
  • Students must be in good standing with the program and the university. Students who are on any type of probation, are disqualified, or are changing their major in/out CE课程的学生不能参加CE 185课程.
  • 学生不得为了参加CE 185而推迟毕业.
  • Students must have a position with a Civil Engineering firm or Civil Engineering division 一个组织的. The student’s work should be overseen by a Civil Engineer with 具备下列资格之一: A PE license, Certified Construction Manager (CCM), 项目管理专业人员(PMP) or a Civil Engineer with LEED AP Certification (不接受“环保助理”). 只与外围相关的工作 土木工程不被接受. 被认为不合适的位置的例子 包括建筑工人、技术人员等. 部门保留权利 拒绝一个航向位置.
  • Students must have a written Job Offer Letter that meets ISSS and department requirements secured before the “Last Day to Drop a Class without a W” in the given term. See the 注册商网站 校历. 请参阅下面的 工作邀请函要求.
  • Students must work a minimum of 90 hours in a term to be eligible to receive credit for CE 185. Students 每周工作时间不得超过20小时 during the academic year and 40 hours per week during breaks. 工作必须完成 during the term that the student is registered for the course. 具体工作日期 在国际学生服务学院网站上列出.


要注册ce285 -工作经验II, 学生必须满足以下条件:

  • 学生必须参加MSCE项目.
  • Students may not have taken CE 285 more than twice previously.
  • Students must satisfy all requirements established by federal law and ISSS. See the 社联就业网站(失效链接) 了解更多信息.
  • Students must be in good standing with the program and the university. Students who are on any type of probation, are disqualified, or are conditionally classified may 不参加ce285课程.
  • 学生不得为了参加ce285课程而推迟毕业.
  • Students must have a position with a Civil Engineering firm or Civil Engineering division 一个组织的. The student’s work should be overseen by a Civil Engineer with 具备下列资格之一:
    • A PE license
    • 认证建筑经理(CCM)
    • 项目管理专业人员(PMP)
    • Civil Engineer with LEED AP Certification (不接受“环保助理”).

      只与外围相关的工作 土木工程不被接受. Examples of positions that are considered inappropriate include construction laborer, technician, etc. 部门保留权利 拒绝一个航向位置.
  • Students must have a written Job Offer Letter that meets ISSS and department requirements secured before the “Last Day to Drop a Class without a W” in the given term. See the 注册商网站 校历. 请参阅下面的 Job 录取通知书要求.
  • Students must work a minimum of 90 hours in a term to be eligible to receive credit for CE 285. Students 每周工作时间不得超过20小时 during the academic year and 40 hours per week during breaks. 工作必须完成 during the term that the student is registered for the course. 具体工作日期 每个学期都列在

CE 185/285的工作Offer信要求

Students must provide a written Job Offer Letter prior to the “Last Day to Drop a Class without a W” in the given term in order to be considered for enrollment in CE 公元185年或285年.

工作邀请函 必须包括以下内容:

  • 国际社联要求的所有必要资料.
  • Details of the student’s position, including confirmation that the work will be overseen by a 具有上述适当资格的土木工程师
  • Confirmation that the student will work a minimum of 90 hours during the term in which 该学生已注册CPT课程.
  • Agreement that the student will not exceed the weekly maximum number of hours permitted, 20 hours during the academic term and 40 hours during breaks.

CE 185/285学术要求

These courses that are used to offer students a CPT experience have two components, 工作部分和学术部分. 每门课程为1个单元,是额外的 to the academic requirements of the BSCE and MSCE degree programs listed in the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Catalog. CE 185和CE 285将被分级为CR/NC.

In order to receive credit for these courses, 学生必须 complete a Civil Engineering work experience of no less than 90 hours that satisfies all necessary requirements as outlined above and submit a culminating paper that meets all necessary academic 课程大纲中规定的要求.


  • Describe the student’s work experience and how the lessons learned in the position 会影响学生未来的土木工程职业生涯吗.
  • Be no less than 2500 words in the body of the paper (not including any appendices, 引用,或其他组件)
  • Meet professional standards for technical writing established for the course, including a cover page, proper formatting and referencing, and appropriate grammar.
  • Be submitted no later than the last day of the final exam period of the term.

如果学生有 进一步的问题 regarding CPT opportunities or CE 185 and CE 285 course offerings, they should contact 库尔特·麦克穆林或土木工程系 civil-engineering@practicaldrilling.com.

库尔特McMullinKurt M. McMullin
ENGR 171