
GSC 2023-2024部门照片


The 综合服务中心 is open in person and via email.


The 综合服务中心 (GSC) is a hub for student business services and student 校园组织. Our center provides check cashing, m一个y orders, 不arization, 和传真服务,同时担任PG&校园电子支付中心. GSC也 provides banking and accounting services to officially Recognized Student Organizations. 为 有问题,请发邮件 as-general-services@practicaldrilling.com.

Student Organization Campus Trust Accounts

Recognized Student Organizations (RSO) can open a campus banking account. 免费检查 processing, bookkeeping, purchase orders and more. 联系 as-general-services@practicaldrilling.com for Master Trust Agreement and Signature Card Updates. 用于申请基金 requests, Deposits, and Ledger Reports please contact 海伦.nguyen@practicaldrilling.com.



注意: 接受现金和支票.


 请注意:现金是  可通过邮寄方式. 现金 must be deposited in person by appointment 只有. 的一个.S. 综合服务中心 将 不 be responsible for cash lost in the mail.

You may mail a check, m一个y order, or cashier check. 支票的抬头必须是 "相关学生 'Organization Name'/菠菜网lol正规平台" (ex: "相关学生 Ski Club/菠菜网lol正规平台"). 你必须包括一个完整的 按金表格[pdf] with your deposit mailed to the address below. 

华盛顿广场一号, Student Union, Room 1800
收信人:Helen Nguyen/Vivian Nguyen

How to Register for Student Organization Square QR Code

1. 下载表格. [pdf]

2. 请填写表格.

3. Student Organization must be active and registered with Student Involvement and 在我们这里有银行账户吗.

4. Under "Active Officer Name", also write in the email of the officer.

5. 填妥表格,然后:

  1. 提交到表格上提供的电子邮件
  2. Bring form back to the 综合服务中心 during business hours

6. Will take a minimum of 一个 business day to process.

7. 从Square收取的费用(2美元.9% + $0.每笔30元).

8. Funds 将 be transferred to Student Organization Club Banking Account by the end 本月的.

*相关学生 are 不 responsible for any transaction disputes* 

请注意: This can be used for membership dues, event ticket sales, conference tickets, etc... 但 不捐款.


Campus Organization Information Packet [pdf]







Registered Student Organization Square QR Code Request [pdf]

A.S. 拨款后审批程序

一旦你得到了A的批准.S. Financial Committee, please wait 3-5 business days after receiving the confirmation email. The contact person must contact our office 亲自或通过电子邮件 as-general-services@practicaldrilling.com  为了A.S. 拨款后审批程序.  

注意: 用你的 菠菜网lol正规平台邮件 通过电子邮件与我们联系时. 任何其他服务器将不被接受.






A.S. Affordable Textbook Program 2ND BATCH CLOSED 2/21/24 AT 9:01 AM

*学生 who receive financial aid grant(s) and Scholarship Awards: Military, EOP, and Middle Class Scholarship are eligible for a $200 voucher to buy or rent a textbook, purchase school supplies, and technology that are available 在 菠菜网lol正规平台斯巴达书店 in person. 这个程序是 提供夏季和冬季课程. 

这个项目先到先得. 我们将停止接受一次申请 我们已经达到预算了. You must submit your completed application and required 透过你的 菠菜网lol正规平台邮件 to as-gsc-textbook-group@practicaldrilling.com.

注意:任何提交给 之前的日期和时间 以上列出的将被拒绝. Our generated email 将 be inactive once budget is reached, and your application 将 不 be received. 学生可领取一张代金券 一个学期. Do reapply for multiple vouchers if you have been released a book voucher for the reoccurring 学期已经. Also, the grant/scholarship must be displayed on the award summary for the occurring semester th在 application is being requested for. Incomplete applications 将 不 be 合格的 for the book voucher. 

Please read the description for all requirements in the application. 我们鼓励 您可以参考我们的示例.

A.S. 平价教科书计划范例[pdf]

A.S. Affordable Textbook Program APPLICATION [pdf]


**如果你 are applying 为了Affordable Textbook Program as a transfer student and have 不 yet received your 菠菜网lol正规平台 Tower ID, please submit a scanned copy of your Government 身份证代替你的菠菜网lol正规平台大楼身份证.


如果你 提交 an application on Wednesday, February 21st, and 合格的, you 将 receive your book voucher via 菠菜网lol正规平台邮件 on Monday, February 26th and be able to redeem it that same day after 3:00pm PST. 有一个截止日期 的凭证. 


菠菜网lol正规平台斯巴达书店 in person (checkout): Please have your 菠菜网lol正规平台 Tower ID Card or Government ID and the Book Voucher EMAIL confirmation displaying 的凭证 number, 在菠菜网lol正规平台书店亲自结账. 

可赎回的只有 可用项目菠菜网lol正规平台斯巴达书店 亲自结账. *将会有 无特别订单 available for customers who are trying to redeem 的凭证. 

注意: 如果你r purchase exceeds the $200 value of the book voucher, you must include an 其他付款方式. The book voucher is valid to purchase/rent textbooks, school supplies, and technology on the 菠菜网lol正规平台斯巴达书店 亲自结账 只有. It 将 有效期21天 以原发行日期为准.


学生 receiving the SmartPass Clipper Card for the first time must submit an online request form, bring Tower ID, and pay $3 fee.  欲了解更多信息,请访问 运输解决方案.

Ace Train and 17号高速公路 Discounted Tickets

Available for 菠菜网lol正规平台 matriculated students and staff. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 运输解决方案.

International Student Identity Card (ISIC)(Temporarily Not Offered Spring 2024)

学生 may receive discounts with the ISIC Card. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 isic.org.


U.S. mail with proper postage may be dropped off in our conveniently-located mail 邮箱.

Check 现金ing (Temporarily Not Offered Spring 2024)



当日付款免费. 只收现金或支票.


Pages may be faxed out or received for $1 per page. 对于收到的传真页数,以人为单位 交易时必须在场吗.


每个签名$15. 联系 陈.thai@practicaldrilling.com 安排预约.

M一个y Order (Temporarily Not Offered Spring 2024)

A maximum of $500 per m一个y order may be made with $1 charge per m一个y order. 现金 只有.


Diaz Compean Student Union, 1st Floor, Suite 1800
San Jose State University, 华盛顿广场一号


亲自拜访:周一至周五上午8:30 -下午4:30

虚拟办公时间:预约 as-general-services@practicaldrilling.com


Monday-Friday: 9:00am-4:00pm (closed 12:00pm-1:00pm)